Is A Dragon Halloween Costume A Good Fit For You?

The legend of the mighty dragon may have originated when ancient man discovered the super sized bones of dinosaurs and created within his mind an image of the terrifying creature that these giant bones belonged to.

Tall tales and whispered warnings of the amazing power, strength, courage, and possessiveness of these enormous beasts brought their image to life. These ideals created our current image of the fire breathing dragons depicted in art today and today the symbolism of the dragon holds a very strong message within its image. If some days you feel as though the heart of a dragon is locked deep inside your chest then a costume in this image just may be the perfect one for you to don on Halloween night.

Dressing up in a dragon costume really can bring out the ancient beast in you. You can flick your mighty tail, wiggle your wings, and prepare to fly off into the night. It is quite the fine way to bring out the beast lurking deep within your soul. Some of these creature costumes are cute, some are cuddly, some scary, and others are simply down and outright funny. One of them could be absolutely ideal for you.

The image of a dragon carries with it a number of powerful symbolic messages which are naturally reflected to those who view its image. This creature is a symbol of good luck, power, strength, heraldry, protection, longevity, and wisdom. When you display a dragon in jewelry, dress, art, or home decor it sends out one or more of these messages to those you encounter. Those born under the Chinese dragon sign are thought to be blessed with good luck. This creature is a powerful symbol in Chinese culture.

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Dragon costumes are also ideal for the little ones who are still busy crawling around the cave floor. Dragons are beasts who acquire their wisdom through age (kind of like kids) which is why both of these critters have their hearts set on exploring their surroundings. Little dragons have a lot to learn about life and it can be a little scary while a young dragon gets it all sorted out.

There are times when it can be confusing to be a young dragon. Like when your fire goes out and all you can get out of you is a little puff of smoke or two. Cough cough. It really is one of those frustrating events that a wee dragon just hates to see happen and especially when you are afraid of the dark, it is really late at night, and the cave is pitch black. Eeek!

When out hunting for food dragons have to figure out which foods are safe for them to eat and they have to be very careful not to choke on a bone when they are chowing down on something squiggly wiggly. Bones are pretty crunchy and you have to chew them up really good or you can quite easily get one stuck in your throat.

Young dragons really do have a lot to learn in their first hundred years of life. They have to know how to find their way back to the cave where they can be safe from all those pesky knights out there who are always trying to make a name for themselves by slaying a poor defenceless dragon. It can be pretty scary.

Be brave and let your inner beast out to play. These costumes are the creme de la creme of dragon fashion and definitely a switch from the norm.
Cute, silly, and wonderfully fun. Yep, Halloween night is the perfect opportunity for you to let your dragon out to play. Dress up and get your scaly skin on for the evening. Winged dragons are gorgeous, dragons without wings are positively breathtaking, big wings can be majestic, while tiny teeny dragon wings can be perfectly sweet. By the way which do you think is best: Wings or no wings (and I am not talking KFC here).

Want to lounge around the old cave looking like a mythical creature? Well if you do then the snuggly cuddly new dragon cosplay pjs are perfect for you and your family. There is a size pajama for kids, teens, and also for adults so you can style up the entire family in a dragon onesie. (That should shock the heck out of your neighbours.) You know you want to do it so go ahead and dress up the family to lounge around the cave dragon style.

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